Orchard Heights Visitors
♥ What is Orchard Heights? ♥
The ever-growing Orchard Heights, a gorgeous family community with a vast 17 sims filled to the brim with originality, a variety of wonderful people and stunning sights has predictively won several awards for their extraordinary sim design and unique experience they offer graciously to the many whom choose to reside at Orchard Heights. Presenting many different styles of living, they have made sure to fit all budgets! Rentals start from as low as 75 Lindens per week up to 8000 Lindens per week. ALL are guaranteed to blow you away!
Orchard Heights is a hot spot for residents and guests alike! Those who choose not to join the community are still welcomed to enjoy the daily events and amenities available region-wide! The atmosphere which surrounds Orchard Heights is the most delightful experience many have had during their time in Second Life. Check it out for yourself, you will most definitely not regret it!
Our homes range in size so whether your family consists of 1 person or 10 people, we think you will find Orchard Heights to be the place you would love to call home. Home is where the heart is and at Orchard Heights we aim to always provide that comfortable country feeling complete with great people, fun times and full ( family ) RP opportunities.
♥♥♥ What is important to know when you are visiting? ♥♥♥
✪ Orchard Heights Teleporter HUD ✪
* Orchard Heights is pretty big. We have developed an amazing teleporter HUD that can help you navigate through Orchard Heights and to never miss a location. The HUD gets updated automatically so you never will miss something new or lose time tping to older / non existing locations. The HUDS are availabe in the Orchard Heights offices but also you will find HUD givers placed around the community.
Want to grab one right now?
✪ Orchard Heights Events ✪
* Orchard Heights has daily events you can attend, either as a visitor or resident. All our events are open to all so everyone is welcome to come join all our activities. Check out our calendar to get an impression of the events we have.
✪ Bloggers & Photographers ✪
* Bloggers & Photographers are welcomed in Orchard Heights. Would you like a tag so you can rezz in Orchard Heights? This is possible. Please contact the manager to receive a tag. We would really appreciate it if you referr to us in your blog credits.
✪ Exploring Orchard Heights ✪
* Exploring Orchard Heights is awesome. There is so much to see and do for a visitor. Please feel free to take a walk over all our sims. Please respect all occupied residential parcels, we ask you to not enter a home if this is rented / occupied.
♥♥♥ What is important to know when you are orienting in Orchard Heights looking to move? ♥♥♥
Everything we do is aimed to please you and to create the best possible home for you.
*Do you want something custom? Sure, let's talk!
*Do you want us to help with the indoor decor? No problem, we offer services to help you with that.
*Maybe you want to change the house on a parcel you like? A lot of the time this is absolutely possible, depending on parcel. Just let us know what you would like and we will always do all we can to accommodate your needs and desires
*You have a certain budget? Tell us what it is and we will work with you every step of the way.
✪ Prims ✪
* The prim allowance listed on the rental boxes at each individual parcel is the number of prims that are given to be able decorate your home with. Please be aware that the prims for the house itself as well as all the decor we placed on the parcels before you moved in DO NOT get deducted from the individuals prim allowance, they are deducted from our overall parcel prim allowance. The number you see on the mailbox is the number that is free for the resident to use.
~Upgrading to a higher prim allowances is possible in some cases, upon request.
✪ The parcels ✪
* Do you see a parcel you like but you don't love the house on it? If this is the case then please discuss the house options for your parcel with us. In most cases we are able to change the house. The house selection depends on what sim and what area the desired parcel is located. We aim to please, and we love to create the ultimate living experience for you.
✪ Privacy ✪
* All parcels are private, this means nobody can cam in on our residents in their own homes. Also tenants have full control over the media and access of their own parcel.
✪ Moving ✪
* Orchard Heights is constantly working to improve our community standard. If it so happens that you have chosen to rent a parcel at Orchard Heights and in the future you see a parcel that you love even more than the one you had originally chosen, we are always more than happy to convert any time remaining on a rental box and apply it to the tier of another parcel.
♥♥♥ Why are we more expensive then other communities? ♥♥♥
Take a look around at Orchard Heights. You will notice that we have taken time and much care to decorate with lots of detail. Our aim is to provide a quality and enjoyable atmosphere for our residents. When you take a walk around the community we want you to feel at home and happy. We also provide role play opportunities and host events to encourage a vivid and inclusive community where our residents and guests can participate in a realistic lifestyle and enjoy their time with us. In Second Life we all strive to find beautiful places but also we desire safety, comfort and a fun filled social opportunity. As I am sure you can imagine all of this involves a lot of time, effort passion and money to create a desired living atmosphere for our community members so that they may feel at home with us. If you feel that you have discovered someplace that is able to match our standard and offer less expensive tiers and/or offer more prims? Please let us know and we will be happy to discuss it with you. We value your feedback and are always evolving and looking for ways to improve our community to serve you better.
✪ Ready to Rent ✪
* If you ready to join the Orchard Heights Community, simply pay the tier box on the parcel you choose. Our system will invite you to the Residential group. A Manager will be by at their earliest convenience, once you have claimed the parcel, to give you your residents package and to discuss preferred security settings, like for example " Group Only " acces or the use of an orb. Ofcourse the parcel can keep the settings it currently has also.
✪ Waiting List ✪
If you are sure you would like to live at Orchard Heights but you can't find an available parcel that would fit your needs at this time, please fill in our Waitinglist.
✪ About possible lag in Orchard Heights ✪
Orchard Heights has been created with a lot of detail and we currently have 17 connected sims. For some this can pose some instance of lag. If you are experiencing this, please make the following simple changes to your graphic settings and it should help alleviate you some of your lag:
1. Make sure your drawing distance is below 100. This is defaulted at 200+ in your standard settings. This means that your viewer will attempt to to load a lot of detail all at once.
2. Increase your cache memory to at least 6000. In your standard settings this is usually between 2000 and 3000. Increasing it will give all of our lovely details some space in your memory. ;-)
3. Use medium graphic settings.
Drawing distance and the increasing cache can be played around with. The lower the drawing distance the lesser details the viewer has to load. The higher the cache is, the more space there is for loading in the mesh, textures and such. Dont put it on max if you dont have to, unless you are on LOW graphic settings, then use the max.
Clearing all of your caches will help to. Cache settings can be found on 3 locations in your settings.
Go to Network and Files. Go to tab Directories.
Then you hit the button Clear Inventory Cache, then hit the button underneath there Clear Cache. Then apply. When you did this, you go to the tab Connection, there you hit Clear Browser Cache. Hit apply.
By simply adjusting settings you should be less laggy but if you are still experiencing lag and would like to address it please do not hesitate to contact owner Aiden Tigra( aidentigra ), he will gladly help you make some further adjustments to fix it.
Should you have any further questions or comments regarding Orchard Heights or would like more information please do not hesitate to contact one of us inworld, we are here to help!! Hope to see you around at Orchard Heights.